Hospital Indemnity Insurance
What is Hospital Indemnity Insurance?
Hospital indemnity insurance can help protect you and your family from the high out-of-pocket costs of hospital stays.
Take advantage of your hospital indemnity coverage to fund out-of-network hospital costs or everyday bills and expenses while you are hospitalized.
After all, it’s no secret that hospital visits are expensive. Hospital bills are the largest out-of-pocket expense that families face.
Monthly premiums for hospital indemnity insurance policies can be as low as $20.
Did You Know:
A hospital indemnity policy can cover your deductible – this is the amount you pay for covered health care services before your health insurance will start paying benefits.
For example, if your health insurance policy has a $3,000 deductible, you pay the first $3,000 of covered services yourself.
If you experience a hospital stay, chances are high you will end up paying your entire deductible amount before your health insurance will pay out towards your expenses.
What Does this Cover?
Hospital indemnity insurance products complement your existing health insurance plan by directly paying you fixed-dollar cash benefits in the event you or a covered family member are hospitalized due to a covered sickness or accident.
Cash benefits can be used to help pay many expenses such as:
- Deductibles
- Co-pays
- Out-of-network hospital costs
- Every day bills and expenses while you are hospitalized
Contact us now to schedule a FREE appointment to discuss your Hospital Indemnity Insurance options.
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